
That New Blog Smell

It’s been a few years and this blog has become stagnant. Over that time I have worked on some interesting projects both at work and on the side and decided it’s time to share some of those stories. So just like most developers out there, the first thing I did instead of actually writing was rebuild the blog onto a new platform. If you build it, the words will come.

After a few times of the old WordPress site going down because of MySQL issues, I knew I wanted to rebuild it in something more stable. Static sites have become popular recently and I can see why. They offer performance and stability; just not a user friendly CMS for writers. However, as a developer, there are many options geared towards our crowd. I chose to use Octopress from a colleague recommendation. It runs on Jekyll which we have used many times around the office for small websites. I had a feeling using Jekyll for it’s intended purpose was going to be a lot smoother, especially with a framework like Octopress to bundle commonly used modifications. And I must say, so far I am very pleased.